An E.Mail we got
Hi all,
Zvika and Ayelet Shahak, are the parents of Bat chen who was killed 12 years ago in the Dizingoff bombing during Purim. The family is very active publicly in commemorating Bat chen and in promoting literacy, peace and co-existence.
As you know or may remember, I have a personal connection to the family. In the past I have used Bat Chen's (z"l) text in various programs and engaged the family in Mifgashim with American groups. The publication of the diaries in English marks a milestone for the family and a tremendous achievement of their work in the AMUTA.
As educators working with people of all ages you may find this interesting and useful.
Ayelet and Zvika welcome feedback and would love to assist teachers and educators in thinking through lesson plans and programs which include Bat Chen's text (Ayelet in particular has plenty of pedagogical experience).
Please forward this information to others in the community who may find interest in the subject.
Toda Raba!!!