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מייל שהגיע מגרמניה |
מייל שהגיע מנערה מגרמניה שקראה את הספר של בת-חן בגרמנית
Hey, I've read the diary of Bat-Chen in German. 1996 that's long ago. I was 6 years old. I didn't notice, what happend there. Now I am 17 and I've heard much about the war and hope that there is soon Peace. Bat-Chen diary showed us, how the life it there. We live in peace and we don't have an idea how the life is there. I am happy that she wrote this diary. The sentence at the beginning at the book impress me much. (I'll try to translate it.) "Bat-Chen means flower. We didn't think that the most beautiful flower are always the first which are picked up." Maybe you can, when you visit Bat-Chen the next time say her nice greetings and many thanks for the nice book. Maybe she hear it and is happy, and is proud that her diary is reading in the whole world. I saw the picture of her grave. I can't read what is written on this grave, but it's a nice grave. In love, Nora